Functional Health Coaching

A lot of health influencers want you to throw away your entire pantry, sacrifice family time, and focus heavily on your outward appearance.

Or, they preach about breathwork and inner peace - without ever referencing the Giver of Peace…..

You’ve put the kids to bed, you’re scrolling at 10:30pm, and you find what you think is good health advice, save the reel, but then never really get back to it, because the next reel says that the one you just saved is lying to you, and you should try this new hack instead……

And all of social media makes it seem like everyone else has 10 chickens, a full backyard garden, they’re back to their pre-baby weight in 5 weeks, and they somehow spend 7 days per week in the gym and have boundless energy to do it all with their 2.5 kids riding along in their black SUV.

Heads up: Real life isn’t like Instagram.

The toddlers don’t sleep, we have too much to catch up and clean on the weekends, and then where do Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, non-toxic, microplastic-free, grass-fed, organic, HIIT, calisthenic, stainless steel cups fit into all of that?

It’s overwhelming, to be honest. And how do you know what can actually help you?

Half the time, you can’t even get 10 minutes to ask your medical professional a question because they’re so busy - but your gut has been bothering you ever since you had your second kid…...

That’s where I come in.

When you work with me or join one of my group programs, you get the education and experience of a Doctor of Chiropractic, a Masters degree in Exercise Science, and all my post-graduate Functional Health clinical expertise - distilled down into “everyday” language and practical applications - and the mess that everyday life brings to those habits.

I promise, I’m walking it right alongside you.

In our group programs, we take 12 weeks and help you transform your body, renew your mind, and reset your nervous system, all while taking a Biblical approach in keeping our Lord and His precepts first - asking for heaping amounts of Grace along the way.

Let’s connect over a no-obligation Discovery Call and see if my methods are a good fit for you, your husband, and your family.

The Program

Want more information? I totally understand.

Here is typically what True Wealth Mastery entails. You can join anytime - rolling enrollment.

You get access to:

Weekly Group Calls with Q+A covering:

  • Nutrition - Foods to Avoid, Consider, and Eat Abundantly, Transforming Your Nutrition Habits for Life

  • Exercise - How to Plan Exercise as a Busy Parent, Group Accountability, Quick 5-10 Minute Workouts, Safe Progression of Exercises

  • Spirituality + Nervous System - Weekly Devotionals, Prayer, Tips + Techniques for Biblical Meditation, Visualization, The Gut-Brain Connection, Nutrition with Eternity in Mind

Resources and Library:

  • Past Call Recordings, Planning Guides, Worksheets, Spreadsheets, Exercise Guides, Supplement Recommendations

Plus: A Community of Like-Minded Parents

My pricing is the same whether you join on your own or if you join with your spouse.

After that, you get access for 12 months to your portal so that you can have support after the initial journey.

I believe couples can be the most successful when they are in the program together, so I’ve set my pricing to encourage this progression.

If you feel like you would benefit from 1:1 Coaching, including personalized strategy, budgeting and shopping assistance, and other perks, this can be something we can discuss on a Discovery Call - depending on my availability.

It’s time to make a change that is lasting. It’s time to Find True Health.